Prunus cerasifera ”Pissardii” [EN]

Prunus cerasifera ”Pissardii”
Pissard’s cherry plum, purple-leaved plum

- Family: Rosaceae
- Origen: native to Persia

A deciduous tree that can reach some 9 metres in height, with red bark on the branches.

The leaves are small, alternate, with a serrated edge, bright red in colour when they sprout and then dark purple.

The hermaphrodite flowers are early and bloom before the leaves. They are white or pink in colour, arranged in small groups of 1-4, with 5 sepals, 5 petals, numerous stamens and a superior ovary with a style.

The fruit is a drupe, very similar to a cherry, dark red in colour and edible.

Source: Rosalía de Castro Park Botanical Guide