Catalpa bignonioides [EN]

Catalpa bignonioides

- Family: Bignoniaceae
- Origen: southeastern United States

Deciduous tree that rarely exceeds 15 metres in height, with a twisted trunk, covered with a scaly, cracked bark. The crown is quite broad.

The leaves can reach 20 centimetres or more, pubescent on both sides, heart-shaped at the base, with a long petiole, verticillated, in groups of 3, at the tips. The unpleasant smell of the leaves when threshed is characteristic.

The flowers are arranged in large erect panicles. They have a bilabiate calyx and a bell-shaped corolla (3 to 5 centimetres), with 5 uneven lobes, white in colour and with a yellow and violet pattern on the inside. They have 5 stamens (2 fertile and 3 sterile) welded to the corolla, and one ovary.

The fruit is an elongated follicle that resembles a legume. It can measure 20 to 40 centimetres long and 8 millimetres wide. The seeds—winged and velvety—are located inside and measure 2 to 5 centimetres long.

Source: Rosalía de Castro Park Botanical Guide