Acer negundo [EN]

Acer negundo
Box elder

- Family: Aceraceae
- Origen: central and eastern North America

A dioecious tree that can reach 12 to15 metres in height.

Opposite deciduous, compound imparipinnate and petiolate leaves, generally measuring less than 20 x 15 centimetres. They have 3 to 7 serrated leaflets, those at the base having a short peduncle.

The male flowers grow in clusters of 12 to 16 flowers, with just one green floral encasing, and four very long stamen with red anthers.

The female flowers, like the male, grow in pendulous green clusters.

The fruit is disamara, with wings measuring 3 or 4 centimetres that form an angle between 30º and 160º. Like the flowers, they are arranged in pendulous panicles.

Source: Rosalía de Castro Park Botanical Guide